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3 Common Questions That People Have About Spaying And/Or Neutering Their Pets

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With so many puppies and kittens filling the animal shelters, it is crucial that you spay or neuter your pets if you do not want unwanted puppies or kittens. It isn't fair to these animals to bring them into the world if you can't provide a loving home for them. While many people hear about spaying and neutering their animals, they may have questions that they would like answered before they take their animals in. This article will discuss 3 common questions that people have about spaying and/or neutering their pets. 

How Early Can It Be Done?

While in the past it was believed that puppies and kittens couldn't be safely spayed or neutered until the age of 6 months, this is no longer considered true. Now, kittens and puppies are spayed and neutered as early as 8 weeks. This prevents females from ever going into heat for the first time, making sure that they do not get pregnant. This is the age that many animal shelters will spay and neuter the puppies and kittens so that they are ready to be adopted into a new home at a young age without the fear of more unwanted puppies or kittens being born. 

What Is The Cost? 

Like any other pet surgery, getting your dog or cat spayed or neutered isn't going to be free. However, many veterinarians are willing to do the surgery at a very reasonable price. There are also spay and neuter clinics that just do spaying and neutering, and will likely offer the best prices. While the overall price of spaying or neutering is going to vary a bit depending on where you live, where you have it done, what type of special the veterinarian may be offering, etc., it will also likely vary depending on whether your animal is a dog or a cat, as well as the size of your animal. 

What Is The Recovery Like?

When you first bring your animal home, it is important that they are able to stay in a quiet area where they can rest, such as their crate or a small room. For about 10 days after your animal comes home from the vet, you will want to make sure that they wear an e-collar to ensure that they can't lick the site of their stitches. You will also want to make sure that they do not get the stitches wet during these 10 days, so avoid baths, puddles, etc. The internal stitches will dissolve on their own, and either you or the vet will remove the exterior stitches once the incision site has healed. 

For more information, talk to a local vet like those at the Norwin Veterinary Hospital.
